Desh Devi Maa Ashapura Temple, Visit Kutch, Gujarat

Desh Devi Maa Ashapura Temple, Visit Kutch, Gujarat

This place of worship or Ashapura is saturated with relic the extent that its cause is concerned. There are references to this goddess in the Puranas, Rudrayamal Tantra thus on which are all said to indicate this holy place in Kutch.

In any case, today there is no hint of any old records or works which give any evidences of the start of love at this holy place amongst the current records in the ownership of the trust.

One actuality immovably emerges that this divinity was all that much there in ninth century AD when the Samma family of Rajputs from Sindh initially entered western, or all the more accurately, north-western Kutch. They were followed in the later hundreds of years by more families or this family which in the end secured them in the locale and one of their line got control of the entire condition of Kutch initially of the sixteenth century. This was Khegarji I, the child of Jam Hamirji who was killed by Jam Rawal prior. Both the Jams (in Sindh a Raja or Chieftain was called ‘Jam’) were significant lovers of Ma Ashapuraji.

There are a few legends joined with this divinity. The most remarkable and well known form is that around 1500 years prior Karad Vania from Marwar (a term inexactly utilized as a part of past times for the present – day Rajasthan) was visiting this zone to offer his products, and ceased in the spot where the present sanctuary of the goddess stands to spend the nine days of “navratri” as he was a lover of the Goddess Amba. He didn’t have any issue, so he generally petitioned her to issue him a youngster. While dozing in the night he saw the god in his fantasy who requested that he construct a sanctuary on the spot where he halted. As a token of the veracity of this fantasy, She is said to have included, on awakening would discover a coconut and a “chundri” (a bit of red-shaded material with tie and color chip away at it). Anyway the Goddess had given particular order that after the sanctuary was fabricated its entryways ought to be closed and were not to opened for six months by which time she would create herself in that.

However several months prior to the expiry of six months Devchand (the name of the Vania) began listening to the qualities of heavenly music after dusk and amid the night. He couldn’t contain himself after eventually and opened the entryways of the sanctuary thus discovered the god on her knees in the posture amidst her endeavors to remain up as She shows up today.

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