Kutch Rann Utsav 2024 – The Beginning of Rann Utsav Festival

The rising & shining era of “Rann Utsav” is a ray of hope for tourism industry of Gujarat, organized by the government of Gujarat.

Kutch Rann Utsav 2024

The entire tourism industry of Gujarat heartily thankful to govt. of Gujarat and appreciate the right step of re-beginning of Rann Utsav which brings more confidence and strengthening the players of the tourism industry and their employment after the global pandemic COVID-19. How to Reboost Tourism Industry After Pandemic. Now, the Rann Utsav Flash Sale starting soon.

Rann Utsav” is a prestigious & proud occasion of our Gujarat and its tourism industry. It generates more employment for various people and gives a platform to showcase their tradition, arts, handicrafts, culture, and many more. A unique experience in the world Rann Utsav only – world’s only longest white desert festival.

Strengthening the economy & builds the highest benchmark of the tourism industry of Gujarat – it is a heaven of Gujarat by various stakeholders, players under the core leadership of our government Of Gujarat.

The Beginning of Rann Utsav Festival

The miracle of nature converts the rainwater into white carpet Rann Utsav.  A combination of shining moon and white desert – unforgettable experience Rann Utsav only.

Tourists across the world are eagerly waiting for the 26th October, 2024 for our Gujarat’s Rann Utsav – the festival of the white desert.

Govt. of Gujarat, Gujarat Tourism, and Organizer, every stakeholder of tourism fraternity of Gujarat and the core people of Kutch and many more are prepared to welcome all the tourists to “Rann Utsav” and make their visit a beautiful & memorable experience.

The real essence of Kutch by its art, culture, dance, tradition, handicrafts, a village under the view of the white desert during sunrise & sunset – a natural glorious experience in the world will be welcoming you all.

Get, set & ready for “Kutch to Dekhna hi he” – “must visit Kutch Rann Utsav” from 26th Oct 2024 to 20th Feb 2025.

Our Gujarat – Our Tourism – Our Proud – Our Rann Utsav

Special Thanks to the government of Gujarat & Gujarat Tourism.

Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat.

The dates for Rann Utsav have been officially announced; click this link to knowmore. – https://www.rannutsav.com/blog/official-date-announced-of-rann-utsav-2024-2025/