Spend this diwali vacation at Kutch, Gujarat best tourist destination to visit

The district of Kutch occupies around 24% of the total area of Gujarat and is second largest district in India after Leh. rann utsav.

Kutch is unique in its landscape, geography, ecosystems, wildlife and culture. The district is virtually an island with the Arabian Sea in west, the Gulf of Kutch in south and southeast and the Greater Rann of Kutch and the Little Rann of Kutch in north and northeast, respectively. Kutch is the only district in India where four distinct ecosystems (Desert, Coastal, Grassland and Upland) exists within a span of 100 km. Needless to say, Kutch harbours extremely rich biodiversity, including the endangered Asiatic Wild Ass that is endemic to the area. check out Kutch Tour Package

The Rann of Kutch is a unique and largest seasonal wetland of its type in India without any counterparts elsewhere in the world. Occupying 45% of the total area of Kutch, these areas turn into huge wetlands in good monsoon year thereby providing excellent habitat for resident and migratory birds, including the ‘Flamingo City’, which is the largest and the only known breeding ground of Greater and Lesser Flamingos in India.

The area together with the Banni grasslands and other smaller wetlands like Chharidhand is one of the best areas for sightings of rare bird species like Grey Hypocolius, Eurasian Eagle-Owl, Common Crane, Dalmatian Pelican, Houbara Bustard, Curlew Sandpiper, Sociable Plover, Cream-coloured Courser and Indian Skimmer.

The area south and southwest of Banni is characteristic with its grasslands and semi-arid landscape interspersed with thorny trees like Acacia senegal and Prosopis juliflora. The area serves as important breeding ground for Great Indian Bustard, Lesser Florican, Desert Fox, Striped Hyena, Ratel, Chinkara, Nilgai and Caracal. Sightings of raptors (birds of prey) like Greater Spotted Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Black-shouldered Kite, Montagu’s Harrier, Pallid Harrier, etc. are quite common. Other commonly seen bird species are Common Peafowl, Black Francolin, Indian Roller, Painted Sandgrouse, Yellow-wattled Lapwing, etc. The area is also famous for its Banded Gecko (an endemic species), Spiny-tailed Lizard, Desert Monitor and Black Cobra.

Kutch attracts not only nature lovers but also those interested in handicrafts, textiles, religious and pilgrimage sites. The Kutchi people from Banni, Anjar, Khavda, Rapar and Bhuj area are famous for their bandhani work on colourful fabric. Dholavira, with its remains of the ancient Indus Valley civilsation, and the Fossil Museum in Than are areas that have a lot to offer those interested in archeology. Not to mention Mandvi, Mundra and Kandla, the important ports of Gujarat. The heritage village of Tera is famous for its fort, water tanks and the heritage precincts.

The dates for Rann Utsav have been officially announced; click this link to know more. – https://www.rannutsav.com/blog/official-date-announced-of-rann-utsav-2023-2024/


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